segunda-feira, janeiro 08, 2007

também eu

I’ll stop the world and melt with you
You’ve seen the difference and it’s getting better all the time
There’s nothing you and I won’t do
I’ll stop the world and melt with you
[na versão dos Nouvelle Vague]

"I Melt With You" is a song by the British post-punk/New Wave band Modern English. The song, produced by Hugh Jones, was a single from the 1982 album After the Snow.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Se asas tendes vigorosas,
por condão da natureza,
e do génio criador,
é seguir-me com presteza
ao montículo onde as rosas
dão fragrância e sombra a amor.

O sol reaparece; desfaz-se a neblina;
nas canas, nas ervas, por toda a colina
sussurram as auras..."

J. W. Goethe

1:13 da manhã  

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